Our founder and Managing Director, David Stevens, has been delivering outdoor adventure training for the past 25 years. The development of Western4WD to operate alongside its sister training company, Western PaddleSports was in response to several changes that are affecting the traditional delivery of 4WD training.
Most courses have in the past been delivered by RTO’s, and have a reputation for being expensive, and have a level of formality and assessment just not needed by the recreational four-wheel drive user.
We also recognise the growing ownership and use of 4WD’s, and with it the trend towards filling the vehicle with electronic aids that take away from the driver an understanding of how their vehicle actually works. Whether you use a vehicle with traditional mechanical devices for traction and gearing, or drive a vehicle with electronic means to select options, our view is you still need to know how and when to use them, and understand what they do.
David has owned 4WD’s for over 30 years, and he and his wife Ruth have done some great journeys around Australia, and plan plenty more. He hopes these years of practical experience combined with developing his present vehicle as a very well equipped tourer will be of value to those contemplating modifying their vehicles or adding accessories. Keeping your vehicle on the right side of the law and insurers is an important element of 4WD ownership and use, and we hope the practical advice and information on regulations governing 4WD’s will be of value.